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Apr 14 2012

Joys of Spring

Posting some pics in case it should appear that the Two Women think of storytelling and nothing else.  How could we, when the joys of spring are all around us?  How could we not be called forth from out our doors to check on the latest buds a-bursting and shoots a-sprong?

Yesterday the first of the daffodils came into flower.  Now it seems there are more by the hour.  And, oh, the delight of finding that the cut leaf peony has once again survived the winter; that the phlox and iris and roses will in their own due time be filling the air with their scents.

There is work to be done as well.  Over the years, our willow tree has lost many weighty branches.  Too heavy to clear away?  Not if you saw off enough bits.  We are neither of us brave enough to get a chain saw but a swede saw works wonders if you go at it long enough.

Then, there's that unsightly patch that was once the foundation for a shed.  At last, enough has rotted that the remaining timbers have been cleaned up with ease.  A rock has appeared.  Jennifer is eyeing it eagerly to see if digging would reveal more.  I am pleading for the surrounding earth to be left bare in case this might be a place where a snapping turtle would see fit to lay her eggs.  The females come into the yard each year, wandering forlornly and scrabbling at unsuitable sights.  Maybe if there was something easier for them to dig into.....

Along with the work, there's listening to the song sparrows and the phoebes; watching the loons in the mornings, hearing the frogs at night; seeing the male gold finches take on their yellow spring time hue.  All in all, we are unlikely to become totally one-track minded.  Had a hike in the hills yesterday and still need to be putting chicken wire around a slew of trees as protection against the ravages of the beaver.

Happy spring time, one and all.

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